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Home : Graduation Gown
Graduation Gown
Official Graduation-source for graduation caps and gowns. Academic Regalica.
Students School Administrators demands result commencement fees economic burden, ecologic waste. CEO Craig Baker listens, finds solution! Graduation industry leaders' own daughter college graduate protests. Challenges father" Baker says " Daughter Sarah Baker speaks her mind, family business or not". Working knowledge, first hand experience, tells inside truth. Ms. Baker points out, waste of planets resources and commencement fees on seniors imposes economic hardship. Sarah also states "The Graduation ceremony, proud and beautiful day of my life. Day of recognition and honoring for students achievement and years of hard work. For the proud family and people who gave support with self sacrifice to celebrate. The "Tradition" centuries old will remain for centuries to come. Traditions change and grow. Imposing fees and disregard for planets resources aren't what its about. I say that under the term Tradition, we are being used to pay bills we cant afford and footprint of waste contradicting core values went to school for! GREEN GRADUATIONS! NO MORE FEES! Recycle Graduation gowns. Keep the tradition alive and healthy.